Battery and Resistors#

Consider a \({{ params.V }}\rm\ V\) battery and two resistors: \(R_1 = {{ params.R1 }}\rm\ \Omega\) and \(R_2 = {{ params.R2 }}\rm\ \Omega\).

Part 1#

If the two resistors are connected in series, what is the current through \(R_1\)?

Answer Section#

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Part 2#

What is the power dissipated by \(R_1\)?

Answer Section#

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Part 3#

What is the current through \(R_2\)?

Answer Section#

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Part 4#

What is the power dissipated by \(R_2\)?

Answer Section#

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Part 5#

If the two resistors are connected in parallel, what is the current through \(R_1\)?

Answer Section#

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Part 6#

What is the power dissipated by \(R_1\)?

Answer Section#

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Part 7#

What is the current through \(R_2\)?

Answer Section#

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Part 8#

What is the power dissipated by \(R_2\)?

Answer Section#

Please enter a numeric value.


Problem is from the OpenStax University Physics Volume 2 textbook, licensed under the CC-BY 4.0 license.
Image representing the Creative Commons 4.0 BY license.