Bungee Jumper#

A bungee jumper comprises of a person attached to a rubber cord who then releases himself off a cliff at a high altitude above sea level as shown in the image below.


Part 1#

Treating the rubber cord as the equivalent of a linear spring with original un-stretched length \(L = {{ params_l }} \ \rm{m}\) and spring stiffness constant \(k = {{ params_k }}\ \rm{N/m}\), and neglecting any forces in the cord whilst it is slackened, determine the maximum vertical displacement from the cliff.
Treat the person as a particle with mass \(m\), and neglect the mass of the cord and any resistive forces.
\(m = {{ params_m }} \ \rm{kg}\), \(h_1= {{ params_h1 }}\ \rm{m}\)

Answer Section#

Please enter in a numeric value in \(m\).

Part 2#

If the maximum possible upward acceleration that can safely be applied to a person is \(2g\), what is the maximum value of the spring stiffness constant for this rope of initial length \(L\)?

Answer Section#

Please enter in a numeric value in \(N/m\).


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