Two Blocks Stacked

Two Blocks Stacked#

Blocks A and B each have a mass \(m\) = 13 \(kg\). The coefficient of static friction between \(A\) and \(B\) is \(\mu_s\) = 0.41. The angle shown is \(\theta\) = 35\(^{\circ}\). Neglect any friction between \(B\) and \(C\).

Right triangle A is stacked on top of right triangle B to create a rectangular block sitting on top of surface C. The angle between the hypotenuse and adjacent in triangle B is theta. A ninety-degree force P, acting to the left, is applied to the opposite side of triangle B.

Question Text#

Determine the largest horizontal force \(\vec{P}\) that can be applied so that \(A\) will not slip on \(B\).

Answer Section#

Please enter in a numeric value in N.


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