Distance Between Two People#
The position of Emilia as a function of time is given by:
\(\vec{r_A} =\) (2\(+\)3\(t-\)3\(t^2)\hat{\imath} + (\)4\(+\)2\(t-\)3\(t^2)\hat{\jmath}\)
Savannah’s position is given by:
\(\vec{r_B} =\) (3\(+\)2\(t-\)2\(t^2)\hat{\imath} + (\)4\(+\)2\(t+\)1\(t^2)\hat{\jmath}\).
The positions \(\vec{r_A}\) and \(\vec{r_B}\) are in meters and \(t\) is in seconds.
Part 1#
What is the distance between Emilia and Savannah when \(t\) = 1?
Answer Section#
4.1 \(\rm{m}\)
2.1 \(\rm{m}\)
17.0 \(\rm{m}\)
5 \(\rm{m}\)
3 \(\rm{m}\)
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