Crane and Construction Worker

Crane and Construction Worker#

A crane is lifting a \({{params.m}} \ \rm{kg}\) block. The tension on the crane’s rope is \({{params.F_crane}} \ \rm{N}\). A construction worker guides the object using a rope angled \(\theta={{params.theta}}^{\circ}\) from the vertical. The worker pulls the rope with a force of \({{params.F_worker}} \ \rm{N}\).

A block is pulled upwards with a rope. A man pulls diagonally downwards on a rope attached to the block.

Part 1#

What is the magnitude of the acceleration of the block?

Answer Section#

Please enter in a numeric value in \(m/s^2\).

Part 2#

What angle \(\alpha\) from the horizontal is the acceleration?

Answer Section#

Please enter in a numeric value in \(^{\circ}\).


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