Motion of an Airplane#

A small plane flies 34 km in a direction 68 degrees north of east and then flies 47 km in a direction 25 degrees north of east.

Part 1#

Find the total distance the plane covers from the starting point and the direction of the path to the final position.

Answer Section#

  • 75.5 km in a direction 42.9 degrees north of east.

  • 75.5 km in a direction 42.9 degrees south of east.

  • 5702.4 km in a direction 42.9 degrees north of east.

  • 5702.4 km in a direction 42.9 degrees south of east.

  • 75.5 km in a direction 89.3 degrees south of east.


Problem is from the OpenStax University Physics Volume 1 textbook, licensed under the CC-BY 4.0 license.
Image representing the Creative Commons 4.0 BY license.