Pendulum Period Dependence on Length#

Part 1#

What is the effect on the period of a pendulum if you increase its length by a factor of 3?

Answer Section#

  • It increases by a factor of \(\sqrt(\)3\()\).

  • It increases by a factor of 3.

  • It increases by a factor of 3\(^2\).

  • It decreases by a factor of \(\sqrt(\)3\()\).

  • It decreases by a factor of 3.

  • It decreases by a factor of 3\(^2\).

  • It does not change.

Part 2#

By what factor does the period of a pendulum change if you decrease its length to 85.0 % of its original length?

Answer Section#

Please enter a numeric answer.


Problem is from the OpenStax University Physics Volume 1 textbook, licensed under the CC-BY 4.0 license.
Image representing the Creative Commons 4.0 BY license.