Gravity Pull#

content/public/005.Kinematics(2D and 3D)/Non-Uniform Circular Motion/Gravity Pull 1/GravityPull.png

There is an asteroid flying in space. At \(t = 0 \ \rm{s}\) , it travels at a speed of \(v_0 = {{ params_v0 }} \ \rm{m/s}\) and a distance \(d = {{ params_d }} \ \rm{km}\) away from the planet’s surface as shown. The planet has a radius of \(R = {{ params_R }}\ \rm{km}\) and mass \(M = {{ params_M }} \times 10^{25}\ \rm{kg}\).
\(G = 6.67 \times 10^{-11} \ \rm{m^3. kg^{-1}. s^{-2}}\)

Part 1#

Find the asteroid’s speed when it is \({{ params_d1 }}\ \rm{km}\) away from the surface.

Answer Section#

Please enter in a numeric value in \(\rm{m/s}\).


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