Folding Platform#

A platform of length \(x = {{params_x}}\ \rm{m}\) is being folded up against a wall by a rope pulling on its end. The rope is retracting at a constant rate of \(\dot{\ell} = {{params.l_dot}}\ \rm{m/s}\). The distance between the pivot and where the rope is pulling from is \(h = {{params_h}}\ \rm{m}\).

A platform sticking out of a wall.

Part 1#

When \(\theta = {{params_theta}}^{\circ}\), what is \(\dot{\theta}\)?

Answer Section#

Please enter in a numeric value in \(/s\).

Part 2#

What is \(\ddot{\theta}\)?

Answer Section#

Please enter in a numeric value in \(/s^2\).


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