Rotating Pencil#

Long Description of image: Motion diagram of a rotating pencil as it flies through the air.
The centre of mass of the pencil is marked by a dot throughout its motion through the air. The motion of the pencil has a shape similar to that of a parabola. The motion diagram consists of seven dots numbered 0 to 6 and the dot numbered 3 is at the peak of the parabola.Long description ends.
Part 1#
Explain why the particle model that we use to draw motion diagrams cannot adequately represent the rotation of a pencil as it flies through the air as seen in the figure.
Answer Section#
The particle model tells us about the location of the pencil’s centre of mass, but nothing about its orientation.
The particle model tells us about the location of the pencil’s centre of mass, but nothing about its weight.
The particle model tells us about the location of the pencil’s centre of mass, but nothing about its mass.
The particle model tells us about the location of the pencil’s centre of mass, but nothing about its height above the floor.
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