Milestone 1 - Form Team and Find Dataset#

In this milestone you will be expected to choose a dataset appropriate for the COSC 301 project. The most important task for this milestone is to select an appropriate dataset.

Overall Expectations#

  • On average, all team members should be contributing to the project equally!

  • Each team member is responsible for their own research question(s), but the data processing, wrangling, and cleaning steps can be shared.

  • Your question, analysis and visualizations should make sense, be well-formed, and it does not have to be complicated.

  • You should use proper grammar and full sentences. Point form may occur, but should be less than 30% of your written documents.

  • You must use proper English, spelling, and grammar and you should write concisely.

  • There should be a plan in place to to deal with any teamwork conflicts and issues.

Task 1. Form a Team#

There is a little bit of additional work needed to form a team, so we can make sure that all team members are on the same page, and teamwork can happen harmoniously.

Considerations when looking for a team#

It may be very tempting, but try to avoid making a group with people you already know and have worked with in the past. I know this will be really hard, but group dynamics are very tricky and in my experience people that don’t know each other from before tend to approach the project and the code of conduct differently.

Consideration 1: Interest in the topic#

As I’ve said, the most important thing you should look for in a team member, is an interest in the topic of whatever dataset you end up choosing.

Consideration 2: Diversity of knowledge, experience, and skills#

Here is a self-assessment form that each members of your group should do.





General familiarity with technology

Programming (any language)

Presentations and communication

Organization and Logistics

Design/Aesthetic skills

Attention to Detail

The ideal group would have a healthy mix of traits in each of the group members. It’s very unlikely that one person will be an “expert” in everything, and we want to make sure the group experience is such that everyone can learn and benefit in different ways. We are not going to police your groups, but the groups that I “worry about” the most, are those where all members declare themselves as “experts”.

Consideration 3: Availability#

You should work with group members with whom you can easily find a weekly timeslot to meet, ideally in person and on campus. There is nothing more frustrating than group members who can’t find a time to work on things simultaneously. If you are a morning person, try to find others who want to work in the mornings. If you stay up till 3 AM every night, it will likely not make a good match to work with team members who want to meet at 8 AM.

Consideration 4: Goals for the project#

You should work with group members with shared goals on what your final objective is. Your objective could be as simple as “do the bare minimum to pass the project”, or “do as much as I can given my heavy course and work load” (make sure to define what “as much as I can” means), or “try everything, and aim to do the best I can”, or “my goal is to make something I’m proud of that I can show my future employers”. Consider all those options above and make sure your team members are on the same page.

How to find or create a group#

To find or create a group of two or three, here’s what you need to do:

  1. Use Ed Discussion to post an “ad” looking for a team to join, or partners for your team.

  2. Get in touch with your potential team members (you can message anyone in the class via the Canvas Inbox).

  3. Share contact details with each other, and arrange for an initial meeting (Zoom, phone, instagram live, whatever y’all use these days).

    • I will give you some class time to make the initial contact and exchange information.

  4. In your initial meeting discuss the following items:

    • What are your interests and goals with this project (datasets, research questions, what you want to learn)?

    • How much time will you be able to dedicate to this project?

    • How frequently will you meet or discuss the project?

    • What are each of your strengths and weaknesses?

    • What will you do if there is a conflict or if issues arises within the team?

    • Do you all agree to stay in touch, and keep everyone informed despite how busy you are? I suggest setting a response time, say a response time of ~ 12-24 hours.

    • Do you think you will be able to work together for this project?

    • I suggest looking over Milestone 1 as a team and coming up with your answers together.

  5. Once your initial meeting is done and you have answered those questions together, one person in the team should submit Milestone 1 on Gradescope and answer all the questions.

You should try to reach out to your teammates as soon as possible via Ed Discussion, Canvas messages, Whatsapp, Snapchat, Instagram, canary bird, email, text, etc.

Join a Group on Canvas#

All students (even those doing the project individually) must join a “group” on Canvas so you can be assigned a group number. Group numbers are sequential from 1 onwards. Please try to join groups sequentially - i.e. don’t join group 55 when the next available group is 6. Please do not join a group without talking to the other member(s) first and discussing a plan (see below).


Task 2. Choose a topic and a dataset, and get it approved#


    • To get a dataset approved, fill out the questions on Gradescope for Milestone 1. The requirements to choose a dataset are below.

  2. Note: Though it may sound easy, it is not trivial to choose an interesting and relevant dataset. There are many, many thousands out there and the tyranny of choice is pretty overwhelming. I suggest you choose an “industry/sector” (health, technology, finance, sports, etc…), then set a 60 minute timer, start searching, and then choose one before the timer expires. You are welcome to post an issue on Ed Discussion if you want advice or approval of a dataset.

  3. Here are the requirements for choosing a dataset:

Permission to use and distribute

  • Look for a creative commons license (CC4 for e.g.) or Public Domain and check to make sure you can make it publicly available

  • Do not use datasets that require authentication, or APIs

Data quality

  • Try to choose datasets that have no more than 5-10% missing values

  • Ensure there are over 5000 observations in the dataset (this means that you can have 5 columns and 1000 rows, or 10 columns and 500 rows, etc…)

  • Ensure there are at least 5 variables of potential interest in the dataset

Interesting (to you)

  • Make sure you have some basic interest in the subject matter!

  • There’s nothing worse than doing a 6 week project on the a boring dataset (please don’t pick a movies dataset)

  • In the final weeks of the course you will be building a Dashboard with your data so choose wisely!

Add your dataset to the repository

  • If your dataset is a file, and you have permission to redistribute it, you should add it to the data/raw directory

  1. Below are some examples of datasets you are welcome to use for your project:

There are literally hundreds of thousands of datasets available, I will point you to some high quality sources (keep in mind that I have not personally checked every single dataset):

  1. There are a list of datasets that you are not allowed to choose either because A) I know them to be popular not but not great for this project, B) too complicated, C) too simple, or D) many students have chosen it in the past and I am now sick of seeing the same analyses :-).

Task 3: Submit Milestone 1#

Milestone 1 will be submitted on Gradescope. There are a series of questions you need to answer about your dataset.