Task 1 - Load in the street_trees Data.#

1.1. Load the data#

We have provided you with data obtained from The City of Vancouver’s Open Data Portal with minimal data wrangling done by the R package DatateachR.


  1. On the left-hand side in the blue bar, you’ll see a “Connect” heading. This is where you can connect Tableau to your data.

  2. Since we are using a .csv file we are going to click on “More…” under the “To a File” subheading.
    💡You can connect to many different things such as Microsoft SQL, PostgresSQL, Google Sheets, MongoDB BI Connector, etc. This is all accessible in “More…” under the sub-heading “To a Server”.

  3. Locate the data and click “Open”. This should connect your data and you should see a table. (You may need to click the “Update Now” button at the bottom)

  4. You can choose to rename your data source by clicking the title at the top.

  5. To start creating plots you can click “Sheet 1” at the bottom left of the window.

1.2. Set the data types for the columns#

Tableau automatically assigns variable types to your columns, however, sometimes it doesn’t guess correctly.


  1. We need to change the last 3 columns in our data date_planted, latitude and longitude.

  2. Scroll to the right and click on the icon (ABC) to the left of date_planted and convert it to Date.

  3. Next, convert longitude and Latitude to a Number (decimal) and the under the Geographic Role we can assign it to Longitude and Latitude respectively.

    • 💡If we do not convert these columns to decimals first, Tableau will give you the Latitude and Longitude options under Geographic Role