Task 3: EDA and Visualizations#

import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import seaborn as sns

Seaborn Configuration from Task 1#

Please use the code from Task 1 in the cell below to configure Seaborn and set your prefered theme.

# Your Solution Here

Load Dataset from Task 2#

Since we are working in a new Jupyter Notebook, the first task is to import the CSV dataset (data/task2.csv) we saved in Task 2.

# Your Solution here

Task 3: Exploratory Data Analysis through Visualization#

3.1. Data Analysis and Visualizations#

3.1.1. Sample Research Question: Which Pokemon Types are the best, as determined by the Weighted Score?#

To answer this question, we will first need to do wrangle the data to return the mean Weighted_Score, split by the Pokemon Type 1.

Here is the goal of this analysis:

# Your Solution here

3.1.2. Create a violin plot to show the distribution of Weighted_Scores split by all the Pokémon types.#

Here is the goal:

# Your Solution here

3.1.3. Create a Box Plot and overlay a strip plot#

Here is the goal:

# Your Solution here 

3.1.4. Create a Hexbin plot with marginal distributions#

This plot helps you visualize large amounts of data (and its distributions) by using colours to represent the number of points in a hexagonal shape.

Here is the goal:

# Your Solution here 

3.1.5. Create a PairPlot of the quantiative features of the pokémon dataset#

Here is the goal:

# Your Solution here

3.1.6. Create a visualization that helps you answer your first research question#

# Your Solution here

3.1.7. Create a visualization that helps you answer your second research question#

# Your Solution here

3.2. Summary and conclusions#

3.2.1. Summarize your findings and describe any conclusions and insight you were able to draw from your visualizations.#

  • Sample Research Question: Which Pokemon Types are the best, as determined by the Weighted Score?

    • Summary of findings, insight, and conclusions

    • ..

  • Research Question 1: RQ here

    • Summary of findings, insight, and conclusions

    • ..

  • Research Question 2: RQ here

    • Summary of findings, insight, and conclusions

    • ..

Notes: There should be some substantial comments and insight in this section. Take it seriously!

# Your Solution Here