Task 2: Reflecting on merge types#

import pandas as pd

Task 2.1 - Table#

The first part of this question is to fill out a table in words. For each merge type, write a sentence or two to explain each merge type.

Table To Fill In:#

Merge Type


Left join

# Your sentence here

Right join

# Your sentence here

Outer join

# Your sentence here

Inner join

# Your sentence here

Cross join

# Your sentence here

Task 2.2 - Visualization#

The second part of this question is to find (with citation) or create a diagram to explain the merge types visually.

Find (or create/sketch) a visualization/graphic/picture that makes sense to you on the different types of join, and explain it (in words) so you can crystallize your understanding of the merge types and how they work practically.

Note: Please clearly cite and reference any graphic with a link and some text that you choose to use from external sources.

# Your Solution Here (Switch this to a markdown cell, and make sure you include an image using `![](img.png)`)