
Below there is just one assigned video for this week. It is a workshop/tutorial that I made with a former colleague, Hayley Boyce. If you follow along with this tutorial, you will also be almost completely done with the lab for this week.

The videos are collapsible so once you’re done with one, you can move to the next one. In the sidebar on the right, you can use the checklists to keep track of what’s done.

11.1 Tableau Workshop

Optional Resources#

Below are some optional resources if you’re interested.

Full Tutorial#

The full guide and tutorial to Tableau in tutorial form is linked here. This tutorial walks you through, from start to finish, through every interface element of the Tableau interface.

Alternate Video#

In case you want an ‘alternate’ video on the basics of Tableau, here is one I recommend based on the titanic dataset.

Introduction to Tableau