
1. Fill the missing pieces of the Calculator class#

Fill ____ pieces of the Calculator implemention in order to pass the assertions.

class Calculator:
    def __init__(self, var1, ____):
        self.____ = var1
        self.____ = _____
    def calculate_power(self):
        return self.____ ** ____.____
    def calculate_sum(____, var3):
        return ____.____ + ____.____ + var3
calc = Calculator(2, 3)
assert calc.calculate_power() == 8
assert calc.calculate_sum(4) == 9
NameError                                 Traceback (most recent call last)
Cell In[2], line 1
----> 1 calc = Calculator(2, 3)
      2 assert calc.calculate_power() == 8
      3 assert calc.calculate_sum(4) == 9

Cell In[1], line 4, in Calculator.__init__(self, var1, ____)
      2 def __init__(self, var1, ____):
      3     self.____ = var1
----> 4     self.____ = _____

NameError: name '_____' is not defined

2. Finalize StringManipulator class#

Fill ____ pieces and create implementation for stripped_title().

class StringManipulator:
    category = ____
    def __init__(self, original):
        self.string = ____
    def reverse_words(self):
        words = self.string.____
        self.string = ' '.join(reversed(____))
    def make_title(self):
        # Create implementation for this
    def get_manipulated(____):
        return self._____
assert StringManipulator.__doc__ == 'Docstring of StringManipulator'
assert StringManipulator.category == 'Manipulator'

str_manip = StringManipulator('cOOL pyThON')

assert str_manip.get_manipulated() == 'pyThON cOOL'

assert str_manip.get_manipulated() == 'Python Cool'

3. Create Dog class#

Create Dog class which has the following specification:

  • Dogs consume their energy by barking and gain energy by sleeping

  • A fresh Dog instance has 10 units of energy

  • Dog has a method sleep which gives 2 units of energy

  • Dog has a method bark which consumes 1 unit of energy

  • Dog has a method get_energy which returns the amount of energy left

class Dog:
    # Your implementation here
doge = Dog()
assert doge.get_energy() == 10

assert doge.get_energy() == 7

assert doge.get_energy() == 9

another_doge = Dog()
assert another_doge.get_energy() == 10