Class 2A. Introduction to the File System, and the Terminal (Command line)#

CommandPrompt CommandPrompt

Lecture Outline#

1. Announcements (5 mins)

2. The File System (20 mins)

3. The Command Line (45 mins)

Part 1. Announcements (5 mins)#

  • Lab 1 will be due Wednesday January 18, 2023 at 6 PM

  • My office hours will be for 60 minutes after class on Mondays in EME 0050 and Fridays from 1-2 PM via Zoom. You can also ask for help anytime on Ed Discussion, as well as visiting any of the labs.

  • Lab sessions start this week, and will not be recorded.

  • Here are some keyboard shortcuts in VS Code to do some cool things:


Shortcut on Mac

Shortcut on Windows

Insert additional cursor

Option + Click

Alt + Click

Insert cursor at end of each selected line

Shift + Option + I

Shift + Alt + I

Select all occurrences of current selection

Shift + Cmd + L

Shift + Ctrl + L

Select all occurrences of current word

Cmd + F2

Ctrl + F2

Add selection to next Find match

Cmd + D

Ctrl + D

Select current Line

Cmd + L

Ctrl + L

There are dozens more shortcuts, you can find the shortcuts here for:

Part 2. File System (30 mins)#

The file system organizes data on a device as a hierarchy of directories and files (like a tree). Each folder (AKA directory) has a name and can contain any number of files or subdirectories. Each file has a name. The user can change (navigate) directories in the hierarchy.

File System

File System Root - Children and Parents#

The tree is rooted at, well, the root.

  • There is only one root of a directory hierarchy. Every item in the tree is either a file or a directory (AKA folder).

  • You can think of a directory as a container that may contains files and/or other directories.

  • Files on the other hand hold information (and cannot contain other files or directories) .

If directoryC is contained in directoryP, then directoryC is a child of directoryP and directoryP is said to be the parent to directoryC.

  • A directory may have many children, but can only have one parent.

Absolute versus Relative Path#

  • The root of the file system is the directory “/”

  • There is only one root of a directory hierarchy.

  • A path to a new location (from your current location) can be specified as an absolute path from the root (this will work no matter where we are in the file system):

Activity: Let’s try to re-create that directory and file structure#

You will need the following commands:

  • cd : change directory

  • pwd : print working directory

  • mkdir: make directory

  • ls: list directory contents

  • touch: create an empty file with a specific name

  • rm: Delete a file (if you make a mistake)

  • rm -r: Delete a directory (if you make a mistake)

  • code: edit the file in the VS Code editor


That’s it! See you Next Class!#

Additional Resources#

Supplementary video on absolute vs. relative paths#

    "", width="100%", height="500px"

Guide to the operating system for macOS users#

    "", width="100%", height="500px"

Guide to the operating system for Windows 10 users#

    "", width="100%", height="500px"