from IPython.display import IFrame
from IPython.display import Markdown
# Additional styling ; should be moved into helpers
from IPython.display import display, HTML
Class 2C: Customizing your Computer, and introduction to the Course Project#
We will begin at class time! Until then, feel free to use the chat to socialize, and enjoy the music!
Lecture Outline#
1. Announcements (5 mins)
2. Starting and Submitting a Lab on GitHub Classroom and PrairieLearn (5 mins)
3. Customizing your computer (15 mins)
4. Introduction to the Project(10 min)
5. Sample Projects from past years (10 min)
Part 1. Announcements#
Lab 1 will be due Wednesday January 18, 2023 at 6 PM
Lab 2 will be due Wednesday January 25, 2023 at 6 PM
Everybody should now be on Ed Discussion by now!
We will be using it for all course-related announcements
My student hours are from Monday 11 AM - 12 PM in EME 0050 and Fridays 1 PM - 2 PM via Zoom. You can also ask for help anytime on Ed Discussion, as well as visiting any of the labs.
Part 2: Course Project#
See Project Description
Example Projects from Previous Years#
Some good Examples from previous years:
Part 3. Customizing your computer (15 mins)#
Customizing a Mac#
Magnet or BetterSnapTool for window management. Costs money unfortunately, let me know if you have a free option
Add home folder to sidebar
Sort icons in folders, set as Default
Add additional columns in the Finder/Explorer window
Customizing a PC#
Notes coming soon…
Guide to the operating system for macOS users#
"", width="100%", height="500px"
Guide to the operating system for Windows 10 users#
"", width="100%", height="500px"
Part 4. Introduction to the Project (15 min)#
Live demo
Part 5. Sample Projects from past years (10 mins)#
Examples coming soon…