Task 1 - GPA Calculator#

For this lab, you will make use different elements you have learned to use throughout the term in order to create a GPA calculator that takes 5 grades and, upon “submission”, calculates the user’s final grade and displays the overall average and potential “letter grade” in a modal. This is called a GPA calculator.

Here’s roughly what we are expecting of you:


Note: there’s a bug in the code that generated this gif where the highest grade is dropped instead of the lowest grade! Don’t make that error in your lab :-)


For this GPA Calculator, here are the specifications:

  1. An HTML form using Bootstrap components to collect 5 course grades (from 0-100).

    • Store the grades a user puts in the five input boxes into an array.

  2. Add functionality for a “Calculate GPA”, and a “Reset” button.

    • The submit button should display a modal to show the final calculated GPA (as a percentage out of 100), as well as the corresponding letter grade.

    • You can look at the UBCO letter grade for the conversion of percentages to letter grades.

  3. Add functionality for a “Calculate Adjusted GPA”, which calculates your GPA after dropping your lowest grade.

    • There are several ways to accomplish this. One is to just Math.min() function, another way is to sort the array and then use pop() to drop the last element.

  4. JavaScript code must have at least one if statement and at least one for loop that does something useful.

  5. Create and use at least one JavaScript function to take in some parameters and returns a result.

For this lab assignment, submit your own lab repository on PrairieLearn. You are free to look at other web sites for ideas, do not borrow HTML/JavaScript code from other sites.