Task 2 - Buttons and Loops#

As seen in the previous task, you can create Bootstrap dropdown buttons. As noted in Task 1, this type of button allows you to provide different input/feedback options for the user, depending on your needs and the type of website you are creating.

For Task 2, you will make use of a Bootstrap drop down button, as well as loops, to create a program that prints a block of text for a certain amount of times depending on the choice taken by the user.

Task 2.1 - Bootstrap Dropdown Button#

In Task 1, you created a dropdown button using Bootstrap which displayed 3 choices when the user clicked on it. However, for that task, the buttons directed the user to other websites or webpages depending on the link you provided in the <a> tag.

Depending on your implementation, buttons can be used to perform a variety of different actions. Through the use of different commands, such as onclick, you can tell your program what actions to perform and when.

onclick Event#

onclick is a JavaScript event (meaning that the program will “listen” for a particular type of user input in order to perform a certain action) that is used to execute JavaScript code when the user clicks on a specific element within the page.

To tell the computer which action to perform, you need to make the onclick event be equal to the action you want to perform: onclick="..."

For Task 2.1, you will use onlick events to execute printText(times) (which will print a block of text for a specified number of times in the page) when the user clicks on the dropdown options of the Bootstrap dropdown button.

Here’s what you need to do for this task:

  • You will everything for this task on the task2.html file.

  • Create a Bootstrap dropdown button with 4 dropdown options.

  • Replace the href="" attribute by the onclick event in each of the dropdown options and add printText(...), replacing the “…” by the number in the dropdown option.

Here’s roughly what we are expecting of you:


Task 2.2 - Printing Text#

In Lab7, you were introduced to loops and how they can be used to allow you to repeat a set of actions within your program for a defined number of times.

Here’s what you need to do for this task:

  • Inside the printText(times), create a loop that prints a block of text as many times as the user chooses to print.

    • You can use a piece of Lorem Ipsum for your block of text.

Here’s roughly what we are expecting of you:

  • The user chooses to print 8 blocks of code



  • Display a dropdown button with 4 options.

  • Display a block of text as many times as the user chooses from the dropdown options.