Task 1 - Happy Face Class Definition#

Implement a class HappyFace:

  • A HappyFace has position ‘x’, ‘y’, and radius ‘r’, all of float type.

  • A HappyFace has fill color and outline color.

  • Write a function display() that draws the face centered at (x,y).

    • The mouth is an arc with a diameter equal to ‘1.6*r’.

    • The eyes are ellipses with dimensions ‘r/2 * r/4’

    • The outline’s thickness is ‘r/20’

  • Use the HappyFace class to create two different faces and display them on the sketch.

    • Use the dot operator to set the attributes. E.g.:

      • face1.x = width/2;

      • face1.y = height/2;

      • face1.r = width/4.

      • face1.fillColor = color(255,255,0);

Hint: code for drawing 1 happy face in a non-OOP way:

float x = 50, y = 50, r = 20;
arc(x,y,1.6*r,1.6*r,.1*PI,.9*PI); //mouth
ellipse(x+r/2,y-r/4,r/4,r/2);     //right eye
ellipse(x-r/2,y-r/4,r/4,r/2);     //left eye

Add code to move the faces and bounce them off the sketch edges

Embed an animated gif of your drawing#

Embed the animated gif you created here using markdown syntax: ![alt text of image](relative path to image)