Lecture 2 - Command line and ExcelΒΆ

from IPython.display import IFrame
from IPython.display import Markdown
# Additional styling ; should be moved into helpers
from IPython.core.display import display, HTML

Lecture OutlineΒΆ

  1. Overview of the Platforms used in this program (15 mins)

  1. The Commandline (30 mins)

  1. Break (10 mins)

  1. Introduction to Excel (20 mins)

  1. Walk-through submitting a lab on GitHub Classroom and Canvas (5 mins)

1. First thingΒΆ

IFrame('https://app.sli.do/event/0oandysw/embed/polls/bb021733-e27c-454b-9be7-1cdc591346ef', width=400, height=500)
IFrame('https://app.sli.do/event/0oandysw/embed/polls/bcf12c99-53c2-467c-9635-b6564db67e11', width=450, height=550)

Second thingΒΆ

Break (10 mins)ΒΆ

Return at YY:YY

Third thingΒΆ

Fourth thingΒΆ

Code required for Jupyter RISEΒΆ

RISE TemplateΒΆ

from traitlets.config.manager import BaseJSONConfigManager
from pathlib import Path
path = Path.home() / ".jupyter" / "nbconfig"
cm = BaseJSONConfigManager(config_dir=str(path))
tmp = cm.update(
            "theme": "sky", # https://revealjs.com/themes/
            "transition": "fade",
            "start_slideshow_at": "selected",
            "autolaunch": False,
            "width": "100%",
            "height": "100%",
            "header": "",
            "scroll": True,
            "enable_chalkboard": True,
            "slideNumber": True,
            "center": False,
            "controlsLayout": "edges",
            "slideNumber": True,
            "hash": True,