Things to look for when reviewing the question#


  1. Check that the variable values are being stored correctly. For example, see the following example (don’t feel bad if this is your question!):

In this case, because the question maker copied and pasted the code, the ‘[ans1][correct]’ value is used for each variable, instead of incrementing. It should be ‘[ans2]’ in the second answer, and so on.

  1. Check that all the numbers/floats are rounded using pbh.roundp().

  2. Make sure that the mustache templating syntax in the markdown section of the question correctly references the variables stored in the data dictionary.

  3. In most cases, you should be using \(\LaTeX\) syntax to refer to variables and units. For units, our convention is to use \textrm{ kg}


  • Verify the template version

  • Verify that the title is stored in the dictionary

  • Make sure the heading level of each section is correct.

  • For symbolic input questions, verify that the label and variables are correct.

  • For number input questions, verify that the label and suffix are correct.

  • Verify that the answer section follows the correct template format.


  • Verify that the question displays nicely. (e.g. extra space required, etc)

  • If a value is not a number, double quotes should be used.

  • Concise and short variable names. They should generally follow physics conventions.

  • Indentation errors

  • Good comment practices

Topic and Outcomes#

  • Verify that the topic and Learning Outcomes are correct.


  • Verify if there is any missing image.

  • Verify that the image has been inserted in the markup section using either markup or HTML <img src = "image.png" width = 300> or ![alt text](image.png)

    • Verify that an alt-text has been added.

Mathematical elements and LaTeX#

  • Verify LaTeX syntax. Avoid using HTML.

  • Rounding Errors.

    • Make sure the rounded value of the variable is used in the calculations.

    • Correct use of pbh.roundp(). Avoid using the python built-in function round() as it uses banker’s rounding.

  • Significant Figures

  • For uncertainty questions using \(\pm\), the answer value should be a string for it to display correctly. See PR #77

  • For questions involving trig functions, make sure the radian value is being used. math.sin(math.radians(theta))

Vectors and Polynomials#

  • Verify that the sign of each component of the vector is displayed correctly. (use pbh.sign_str())


  • Make sure the question is randomised as much as possible.

  • Verify that names and vehicles are randomised.

  • Verify the bounds

    • Verify that randomisation (especially when coupled with trigonometric functions) does not lead to positive variables becoming negative and vice-versa. See PR #55 - # need [cos(theta_0) - cos (theta_c)] < 0 for v_cut to be positive

    • Verify that the upper and lower bounds are within reason.

    • For questions dealing with coefficients of friction, we need \(\mu_s > \mu_k\). See PR #56

  • For textual questions, verify that the answers are being shuffled. random.shuffle()


  • Make sure that the values are randomised and are sensible.


  • Verify the conditions of if-statements and loops