Example 1: IFrames#

What is an IFrame?#

  • An iFrame is an inline frame that permits you to embed another website within the current document

Below is an IFrame of the CBC website:

Why are IFrames so useful for teaching?#

  • Cohesive interface, one central home for everything

  • Structure is really important, especially when things are online

  • Multiple tools can be integrated together so things are seamless for the students

Examples of IFrames#

  • Regular websites

  • Google forms

  • PHET simulations

We will see each of those examples throughout the talk today

Things to think about#

  • Often it doesn’t make sense to use IFrames so link out to full sites when appropriate

    • Tests and quizzes

    • Content you have to interact with (everything is scaled down)

    • Documents with a lot of scrolling

  • Test how IFrames look on mobile devices

  • Control and tweak how IFrames appear using CSS

  • Think about accessibility: some guidelines here

Limitations of IFrames#

  • Some publishers do not allow IFrames (e.g., Pearson)

  • It’s annoying to scroll in IFrames

  • There are some security implications of IFrames

Additional References#