
Though it is widely acknowledged that student evaluations of teaching (SeOT; now renamed to student experience of instruction or SeOI) are well known to be significantly problematic when assessing quality of teaching, there is likely some value in this data, particularly when it is viewed alongside other metrics of teaching. I have attached the reports of SeOI, as well as this summary of questions that I consider to be the most important, for my teaching:

I am a strong believer in transparency and openness so on this page, I will also be sharing my full teaching evaluations. This is definitely a moment of vulnerability as these reports are often considered private. However, I think that students should know exactly what they’re walking into when they take my courses. I am not the perfect instructor, and my teaching is constantly evolving. I also read and reflect upon every comment that I receive so also keep in mind these comments are from the past. I have definitely made mistakes in the past (and will continue to do so in the future), and am always seeking to improve and better my teaching, as well as your learning.

Without further ado, my teaching evaluations from the past couple of years (I will continue adding to this list as time permits).

2024-25 Academic Year

2023-24 Academic Year

2022-23 Academic Year

2021-22 Academic Year

2020-21 Academic Year