Firas Moosvi

Firas Moosvi


University of British Columbia

I am a Lecturer in the Computer Science department at the University of British Columbia. Though I mainly teach computer science now, I am a multidisciplinary educator with a PhD in Physics and is also interested in data science and education in general. I strongly believe in computational literacy for all and aims to make STEM courses accessible through Active Learning techniques and open education resources. My two main research umbrellas are the scholarship of teaching and learning (SoTL), and Learning Analytics. I am looking at how learning analytics data can provide insight to surface and ultimately reduce inequities in STEM programs. I am also heavily invested in promoting and implementing alternative grading systems in large classes, at scale. I am always happy to collaborate on teaching and learning projects, drop me a note here!

  • Scholarship of teaching and learning
  • Authentic assessments
  • Alternative grading paradigms
  • Learning analytics
  • Data visualization and science communication
  • PhD in Medical Physics, 2019

    University of British Columbia

  • MSc in Medical Biophysics, 2012

    University of Toronto

  • BSc in Biophysics, 2009

    University of British Columbia